Sent Out In Power
The Risen King has only a few more words to give the disciples he loved so much. But before he entrusts them with the Great Commission, He reminds them of His own authority to send.
The Wrong Way to Pray
There is a wrong way to pray that leads to unmet desires. It is not in our words but in our hearts that we need change.
The Example of Epaphras
The value of Christian biographies is far-reaching, but one does not have to be an avid reader to see the example of a godly life. In fact, you only have to read one verse.
A Spiritual War of Attrition
Prayer is our cry for God to take up arms against the enemy. Because our words waver, and our will is weak, we must cry out to God for support in our struggle.
Redeemed Rebels in the Throne Room of God
Our actions merit death and distance from God, not confidence in His presence! Because of Jesus, we can have confidence in prayer always!
Prayer As God Prescribes
You can tell a great deal about a person from what they pray for. You can tell much more from what they don't pray for.
The Prayer of the Weary
Spiritual weariness is a fact of life on earth. Christ knew that this would be the case and left us a parable so that we might not lose heart.
The Death of a Saint
Where is our God when the saints of this world breath their last? The world has needed this answer since the first person to die breathed his last breath. Where is our God in death?
Christians On Mission
If we treat the Bible with a sense of unity, it is clear that from Genesis to Revelation the intention of our God has been to redeem His people for His glory.
If Christ Stayed Dead We Are Still In Our Sins
The liberal Christian may have sacrificed the historicity of the resurrection upon the altar of progress but so too have many Evangelicals left its power at the door of familiarity. Yet to both Paul says: if Christ didn’t leave his grave alive, there is no salvation for us. If Christ didn’t put death to death “we are of all people most to be pitied.”
It Is Well With My Soul
Habakkuk from ages past speaks to our hearts in the here and now. How can we trust God when life falls apart?
Hope’s Arrival
Advent is a season of waiting and hope. From the beginning of time, God has used promises and prophecies to give his people hope for the future. Matthew 1 helps us to see Christ as the eagerly awaited One who fulfills all hope!